Steam distribution closely monitored for process efficiency
Accurate measurement of steam distribution parameters delivers process efficiencies with safety
Steam distribution with minimal energy loss is a key challenge when aiming for efficient utilities plant operations. From the boiler house to the points of end-use, poor lagging, malfunctioning steam traps, and inefficient cooling of superheated steam can diminish energy distribution effectiveness. Water hammer can cause wear to infrastructure. Therefore, dryness fraction must be constantly and accurately monitored for optimal steam quality. Our technologies help to optimize steam distribution.
50 to 100%
measuring error if compensating superheated steam downstream of a pressure reducing valve by temperature only (mistaken as saturated steam)
How we can help
From reducing the risk of water hammer, to ensuring efficient cooling of superheated steam, to checking that steam dryers and pressure reducing valves are functioning correctly, Endress+Hauser enables you to accurately measure and optimize steam distribution, including custody transfer. Our complete portfolio of 2-wire measurement and monitoring solutions will increase the availability of your steam supply and allow exact mass and energy balance for safe, efficient steam distribution.
Improve process efficiency with accurate energy distribution monitoring
Reduce corrosion risk with cooling water quality and amine consumption monitoring
Comply with international standards thanks to Endress+Hauser Heartbeat Technology
Precise steam pressure measurement
Precise steam pressure measurement is vital to ensuring optimal process conditions. Controlled by pressure, process temperature must be neither too high, causing product losses, nor so low that sterilization does not occur.
Onze ervaring in de praktijk
Endress+Hauser offers a broad portfolio of highly accurate pressure measurement instrumentation highly suited to steam applications in utilities.
Rely on our robust, accurate Cerebar pressure transmitters
Measure pressure with up to ± 0.025% o.f.s. accuracy with Cerabar S
Integrate our Prowirl flowmeters with optional integrated pressure measurement and compensation
Corrosion is a persistent challenge in all steam distribution systems, heightening the risk of costly downtime due to equipment failure. Whereas adding amines can help reduce the risk of corrosion, such additives can themselves be costly and require precise metering and good inventory management.
Onze ervaring in de praktijk
Endress+Hauser offers sound measuring systems to guarantee optimal inventory management.
Measure amine consumption with ± 0.1% o.r. accuracy using our compact Promass A flowmeter
Monitor amine tank levels accurately to ensure timely re-ordering
Continued steam availability at the required process parameters is essential. A failure in the steam supply system can result in total production shutdown, bringing serious financial consequences.
Onze ervaring in de praktijk
The Endress+Hauser portfolio contains a complete range of monitoring technologies to ensure that steam supply is protected, process parameters are sustained, and shutdown risk is minimized.
As only dry steam enables process maximization, it is essential for utilities plant managers to be able to know the energy content of the steam they are receiving when purchasing steam from an external source.
Onze ervaring in de praktijk
Endress+Hauser offers Prowirl, a single, integrated steam metering system enabling steam quality to be continuously monitored on reception for optimal processes and transparent supplier relationships.
Inaccurate or uncertain measurements of energy consumption and loss at the various points within a steam distribution system can lead to incorrect conclusions and misguided actions for optimization. Utilities plant managers must be able to rely on accurate measurements.
Onze ervaring in de praktijk
Based on in-depth energy measurement and calibration expertise, the Endress+Hauser Energy Measurement Proving Service enables energy measurement accuracy to be checked and confirmed.
Rely on Endress+Hauser experts for on-site calibration and verification of field devices with minimal or no process interruption
Understand the overall uncertainty of your energy measurement
Gain clear recommendations on how to improve accuracy of the energy measurement loop
Balancing steam distribution and steam consumption systems requires a great deal of skill and know-how. Our extensive range of accurate and reliable metering, monitoring, and steam management products and services ensures complete transparency and efficient, safe steam distribution in compliance with energy and environmental management standards. Partner with us for integrated steam management solutions that unlock the maximum potential of your entire steam system.
Up to 15%
energy consumption savings from comprehensive energy monitoring solutions
high measuring accuracy and operational safety over the entire life cycle of your steam system
10s of millions
of savings from sensors and solutions successfully applied in utilities
Browse door ons programma!
Water, dranken, zuivelproducten, chemicaliën of farmaceutische producten moeten dagelijks geanalyseerd worden. Kies het apparaat dat het beste past bij uw procesbehoeften uit ons uitgebreide productportfolio.
Water, aardgas, stoom, minerale olie, chemicaliën zijn enkele van de vloeistoffen die dag in dag uit gemeten moeten worden. Selecteer de flowmeter die het beste past bij wat uw proces nodig heeft.
Continue niveaumeting en niveauschakeling in vloeistoffen en stortgoed
Veelzijdige instrumenten voor procesdruk, drukverschil, niveau en flow.
Naast alle relevante meet- en systeemtechnologieën bieden wij ook passende software aan voor alle industrietakken die ervoor zorgen dat uw bedrijfsprocessen optimaal functioneren.
Thermometers en transmitters voor de procesindustrie
Gerelateerde verhalen
Optimalisatie van het stoomverbruik voor efficiëntie en veiligheid
Het ketelhuis is waar je het geld verbrandt. Stoomverbruik is waar je het verspilt! Endress+Hauser helpt u het stoomverbruik nauwkeurig te meten en de efficiëntie te verhogen.
U hebt doeltreffende manieren nodig om het energieverbruik te verminderen en tegelijk een hoge beschikbaarheid en efficiëntie van uw ketel te garanderen. Bekijk onze nauwkeurige en betrouwbare meet- en bewakingsoplossingen.
Water, door verhitting omgezet in stoom, is het levensbloed van een installatie. Om efficiëntie en veiligheid te garanderen, zijn de integriteit van de ketelapparatuur en de betrouwbaarheid van het regelsysteem van cruciaal belang.
U voorziet de wereld van energie - wij leveren u applicatie-knowhow voor uw energiecentrale, waaronder: stoom, STEG-centrales, energieterugwinning, waterkracht en P2G.
Olie & gas: Energietransitie voeden tot netto nul
Olie & gas: Energietransitie voeden tot netto nul
Met ons breed productaanbod van instrumenten, oplossingen en services stimuleren we klanten op weg naar netto nul: van procesefficiëntie en veiligheid tot duurzaamheid en naleving van de regelgeving.
Water & afvalwater: Beschermen – conserveren – verbeteren
Water & afvalwater: Beschermen – conserveren – verbeteren
Endress+Hauser heeft het vertrouwen om u te helpen bij het realiseren van uw bedrijfsdoelen door de hele waterkringloop, door het combineren van een innovatieve productreeks meetinstrumenten, expertservices en industrie-expertise.
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