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Endress+Hauser (Baltics) Lithuania 

Your sales and service partner in Lithuania

Endress+Hauser has a local office in Kaunas, Lithuania. In all major industries such as water & waste water, chemicals, food & beverages, life sciences, power & energy and oil & gas we support our customers with our application know-how to improve their plant processes and save costs.

Endress+Hauser (Baltics) Lithuania office ©Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser (Baltics) Lithuania office

Endress+Hauser (Baltics) Lithuania office ©Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser (Baltics) Lithuania office

Endress+Hauser (Baltics) Lithuania office ©Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser (Baltics) Lithuania office

  • Geschäftsführer

    Romualdas Razbadauskas

  • Gründungsjahr


  • Anzahl Mitarbeiter


  • Unterstützte Regionen


Our customers can count on fast and knowledgeable support

  • Application study

  • Installed base audit

  • Service and maintenance

  • Selection and supply of Instruments

  • Inventory management solutions, fluid management solutions, energy solutions and analytical solutions

  • Vertrieb
