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Picture of Coriolis flowmeter Cubemass / 8CM for measuring smallest quantities of liquids and gases

Coriolis flowmeter

Compact sensor for smallest quantities with easy system integration

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25 documenten
    • Technische informatie (TI)

    Cubemass Technical Information

    • Technische informatie (TI)
    Engelse versie - 08/2015
    New version available in English

    Coriolis flowmeter
    The ultra-compact sensor for smallest quantities with easy system

    • Bedieningshandleiding (BA)

    Cubemass MODBUS RS485 Operating Instructions

    • Bedieningshandleiding (BA)
    Engelse versie - 06/2022
    New version available in English

    Coriolis flowmeter

    • Instrumentparameters (GP)

    Cubemass MODBUS RS485 Description of Device Functions

    • Instrumentparameters (GP)
    Engelse versie - 11/2015
    New version available in English

    Coriolis flowmeter

    • Beknopte instructie (KA)

    Cubemass Brief Operating Instructions

    • Beknopte instructie (KA)
    Engelse versie - 05/2010
    New version available in English

    Coriolis mass flow measuring system

    • Montage-instructies (EA)

    Replacing electronics module Installation Instructions

    • Montage-instructies (EA)
    Engelse versie - 12/2018
    New version available in English

    CNGmass 8FF, LPGmass 8FE, Cubemass 8CM

    • Montage-instructies (EA)

    Replacing cover and O-ring Installation Instructions

    • Montage-instructies (EA)
    Engelse versie - 10/2018
    New version available in English

    romag 10, 23, 50, 51, 53, 55, 400, 800, Promass 40, 80, 83, 84, 8ME,
    CNGmass 8FF, LPGmass 8FE, Cubemass 8CM, Prosonic Flow 90, 91,9
    2, 93, t-mass 65, Prowirl 72, 73

    • Montage-instructies (EA)

    Electrical trace heating systems

    • Montage-instructies (EA)
    Engelse versie - 03/2021
    New version available in English

    Promass 100, 200, 300, 500, 500-digital, LNGmass, CNGmass, LPGmass

    • Montage-instructies (EA)

    Safety Instructions for Spare Parts Installation Instructions

    • Montage-instructies (EA)
    Engelse versie - 03/2018
    New version available in English


    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)

    Cubemass NEPSI Zone 1, Zone 21 Ex documentation

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)
    Engelse versie - 09/2022
    New version available in English

    Ex documentation for the operating instruction:

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)

    Cubemass ATEX II2GD IECEx Zone 1, 21 Ex-documentation

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)
    Engelse versie - 10/2022
    New version available in English

    Ex-Dokumentationzur Betriebsanleitung:
    Ex documentation for the operating instruction:
    Documentation Ex relative à la mise e
    n service:

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)

    Cubemass NEC/CEC Division 1 Ex-documentation

    • Ex-veiligheidsinstructie (XA)
    Engelse versie - 08/2012
    New version available in English

    Ex documentation for the operating instruction:

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)

    Technical Documentation

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)
    Engelse versie - 04/2021
    New version available in English

    Device Viewer

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)

    Change of Directives Special Documentation

    • Speciale documentatie (SD)
    Engelse versie - 04/2016
    New version available in English

    Change of Directives

    • Fabrieksverklaring

    Product family: CNGmass, Cubemass, Cubemass C, Dosimass, Dosimass OEM, LNGMASS, LPGMASS, Promag 10, Promag 35, Promag 50, PROMAG< br/>51, PROMAG 53, PROMAG 55, PROMAG D, Promag E, Promag H, Promag L, Promag P, Promag W, PROMASS 40, PROMASS 80, PROMA SS 83 , PR OMASS 84, PROMASS A, Promass E, PROMASS F, PROMASS G, Promass H, Promass I, Promass K, Promass O, PR OMASS P, PROMAS S Q,PROMA SS S, PROMASS X, t-mass, t-mass A, t-mass B, T-MASS L, T-MASSS, t-mass T

    • Fabrieksverklaring
    Engelse versie - 07/2022
    New version available in English

    Declaration number: HE_00550_02.17
    Manufacturer specification: Operating conditions, Food hygiene

    • Fabrieksverklaring

    Product family: , CNGmass, Cubemass, Cubemass C, Promass A, Promass E, Promass F, Promass Q, Promass X, Prowirl D, Prowirl F, Prowir l O, Prowirl R, t-mass F, t-mass I

    • Fabrieksverklaring
    Engelse versie - 05/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: 6F3B-, 6F5B-, 6I3B-, 6I5B-, 7D2B-, 7D2C-, 7F2B-, 7F2C-, 7O2B-, 7O2C-, 7R2B-, 7R2C-, 8A1B-, 8A2B-, 8A3B-, 8A3C-, 8A5B-,
    8A5C-, 8C1B-, 8C3B-, 8C5B-, 8CL, 8CM-, 8CN-, 8E1B-, 8E1C-, 8E2B-, 8E2C-, 8E3B-, 8E5B-, 8F1B-, 8F2B-, 8F3B-, 8F5B-, 8Q1B-, 8Q3B-, 8Q
    5B-, 8X1B-, 8X3B-, 8X5B-, D8CB-
    Declaration number: HE_01933_01.24
    Manufacturer specification: Performance characteristics

    • EU-verklaring

    Product family: Cubemass

    • EU-verklaring
    Engelse versie - 04/2016
    New version available in English

    Product root: 8CM-
    Declaration number: EC_00240_01.16

    • EU-verklaring

    Product family: Cubemass

    • EU-verklaring
    Engelse versie - 04/2022
    New version available in English

    Product root: 8CM-
    Declaration number: EC_00239_01.16

    • Diversen

    Product family: CNGmass, Cubemass, Cubemass C, Dosimag, Dosimag OEM, Dosimass, Dosimass OEM, LNGmass, LPGmass, Magphant, Picomag, Pr omag 55, Promag D, Promag E, Promag H, Promag L, Promag P, Promag W, Promass A, Promass E, Promass F, Promass G, Promass H, Promass I, Promass K, Promass O, Promass P, Promass Q, Promass S, Promass U, Promass X, Prosonic Flow 91, Prosonic Flow 92, Prosonic Flow 93 , Prosonic Flow B, Prosonic Flow E, Prosonic Flow G, PROSONIC FLOW I, Prosonic Flow P, Prosonic Flow W, Prowirl D, Prowirl F, Prowir l O, Prowirl R, t-mass A, t-mass B, t-mass F, t-mass I, t-mass T

    • Diversen
    Russische versie - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: 55S-, 5BH-, 5CH-, 5DBB-, 5DH-, 5E1B-, 5H1B-, 5H2B-, 5H3B-, 5H5B-, 5HBB, 5L4C-, 5P1B-, 5P2B-, 5P3B-, 5P5B-, 5PBB, 5RH-,
    5SH-, 5W3B-, 5W4C-, 5W5B-, 5W8C-, 5WBB, 6AAB-, 6BAB-, 6F3B-, 6F5B-, 6I3B-, 6I5B-, 6TAB-, 7D2C-, 7F2C-, 7O2C-, 7R2C-, 8A1B-, 8A2B-,
    8A3C-, 8A5C-, 8BE-, 8C1B-, 8C3B-, 8C5B-, 8CM-, 8CN-, 8DF-, 8E1C-, 8E2C-, 8E3B-, 8E5B-, 8F1B-, 8F2B-, 8F3B-, 8F5B-, 8FE-, 8FF-, 8G1B-
    , 8H1B-, 8H3B-, 8H5B-, 8I1B-, 8I3B-, 8I5B-, 8KBB-, 8O1B-, 8O3B-, 8O5B-, 8P1B-, 8P3B-, 8P5B-, 8PE-, 8Q3B-, 8Q5B-, 8RE-, 8S1C-, 8S3B-,
    8S5B-, 8U5B-, 8X3B-, 8X5B-, 91W-, 92F-, 93P-, 9B2B-, 9E1B-, 9EHB-, 9G3B-, 9G5B-, 9I4B-, 9P5B-, 9W4B-, D5AB-, D8AB-, D8CB-, D8EB-, D
    8LB-, DMA-, DTI200-
    Region: Eurasian Economic Union
    Approval agency: EAC
    Approval number: EAC_KZ-7500533

    • Explosieveiligheid

    Product family: CNGmass, Cubemass, LPGmass

    • Explosieveiligheid
    Engelse versie - 09/2022
    New version available in English

    Product root: 8CM-, 8DF-,8FE-, 8FF-
    Region: China
    Approval agency: NEPSI
    Protection: Ex tD A21 IP6X 90
    0900 900, 035~570 900 900 900, Ex d ia
    900 900 900

    • Explosieveiligheid

    Product family: CNGmass, Cubemass, Promass 40, Promass 80, Promass 83, Promass 84

    • Explosieveiligheid
    Engelse versie - 02/2021
    New version available in English

    Product root: 40E-, 80A-, 80E-, 80F-, 80H-, 80I-, 80P-, 80S-, 83A-, 83E-, 83F-, 83H-, 83I-, 83O-, 83P-, 83S-, 83X-, 84A-, 84F-, 84O-, 84X-, 8CM-, 8CN-, 8DF-, 8FF-
    Region: South Africa
    Approval agency: MTEx
    Protection: Ex db eb ia, Ex db eb, Ex db