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Prosonic Flow G 300/500 redefines process gas measurement

The ultrasonic gas flowmeter for demanding applications in the oil/gas and chemical industries

Publicatiedatum: 02.03.2020

Tremendous gas reserves are still being discovered. It is expected that the demand for natural gas as a fuel or energy source will continue to increase. Whether natural gas, process gas or gas mixtures, either in the offshore or onshore sector: the new Prosonic Flow G from Endress+Hauser is the ideal flowmeter for demanding applications. This flowmeter combines tried-and-tested ultrasonic measuring technology with decades of experience in the oil and gas as well as chemical industries.


  • Ideally suited for raw and processed natural gas, coal seam gas, shale gas, process gas, gas mixtures as well as wet biogas and digester gas

  • Robust industrial design for process temperatures of up to 150 °C (302 °F) and pressures up to 100 bar (1450 psi)

  • Powerful process control around the clock as a result of pressure and temperature-compensated values measured in real time

  • Advanced gas analysis functions for the calculation of additional process variables as well as for the input of customer-specific gases and gas mixtures (with up to 8 components)

  • Condensate-insensitive sensor design for the measurement of moist or wet gases

  • High measuring accuracy (±0.5%) and turndown (>133:1)

Prosonic Flow G measures both dry and wet gases with high reliability. Together with the extensive functionality of the Proline 300/500 transmitters, this opens up new options for process control and monitoring. Prosonic Flow G ensures precise measured values with unmatched repeatability, even with fluctuating process and ambient conditions. The robust industrial design makes it possible to operate the device over a long term without maintenance, thus saving time and money for the user.

Optimum process monitoring thanks to advanced gas analysis

Prosonic Flow G 300/500 can be supplied with advanced gas analysis functions, e.g. for special applications or for increased process control requirements. Depending on the selected gas type (pure gas, gas mixture, natural gas, etc.), this function enables the calculation of additional parameters and process variables. Some examples are volume flow, corrected volume flow, mass flow, energy flow, calorific value, Wobbe index, molar mass, methane content, density or viscosity.

Gas tanks ©Endress+Hauser

Robust and industry-optimized

Prosonic Flow G offers a high degree of robustness. All wetted parts are made of stainless steel and titanium Grade 2 and are compliant to NACE MR0175/MR0103. Since the entire sensor housing consists of corrosion-resistant stainless steel as well, Prosonic Flow G is especially suited for harsh ambient conditions. Prosonic Flow G has been developed to IEC 61508 (SIL) and is suited for safety-related applications.

Petrochemical plant ©Endress+Hauser

Heartbeat Technology – for maximum operational safety

Heartbeat Technology is another highlight. This testing function is integrated into all Proline measuring devices and enables permanent self-diagnostics with the highest diagnostic coverage (>95%) as well as a metrologically traceable device verification without process interruption certified by TÜV SÜD. All of this reduces complexity and hazards in a plant and increases its reliability as well as availability.

Heartbeat Technology ©Endress+Hauser

Transmitters for seamless system integration

Various transmitters are available for Prosonic Flow G: Proline 300 (compact version) or Proline 500 (remote version) with up to four inputs and outputs. They allow the simultaneous measurement of flow velocity, sound velocity, pressure and temperature. Access to all measurement and diagnostic data is possible at any time thanks to digital data transmission via HART or Modbus RS485, as well as via WLAN or the freely combinable inputs and outputs.

Lees over vergelijkbare onderwerpen


    Innovation brochure - Proline Prosonic Flow G 300/500

    Prosonic Flow herdefinieert procesgasmeting

    eBook - Proline Prosonic Flow G 300/500

    Prosonic Flow herdefinieert procesgasmeting


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