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  • Geschiedenis

One-stop shopping

Endress+Hauser makes instrument selection easier on endress.com

Publicatiedatum: 10.12.2020

“By merging both shops and introducing several innovations on endress.com, we are making it even easier for customers to do business with us digitally,” says Nikolaus Krüger, Chief Sales Officer at the Endress+Hauser Group. While the global E-direct portal was designed for simple products that serve basic measurement needs, endress.com offers the entire Endress+Hauser portfolio.

With the migration on course to be completed by the end of the year, everything will be available at a glance and from a single source online, thus eliminating the need to switch shops and accounts. To do that the FLEX product segmentation was introduced on endress.com. This new feature supplements the existing selection options and divides the Endress+Hauser measurement instrument portfolio into four areas according to the needs of the customer.

The ‘Fundamental’ segment contains basic products that are easy to select, install and operate. ‘Lean’ features reliable and robust instruments designed for the efficient management of core processes. ‘Extended’ shows all innovative process optimization technologies, while the ‘Xpert’ segment combines specialized products for demanding applications. “FLEX makes it even easier for our customers to locate the right product for their individual needs,” says Nikolaus Krüger.

The best possible user experience

The endress.com e-commerce area was expanded with useful functions to improve the user experience. After signing in, customers can now use their ‘My Endress+Hauser’ account to more easily manage all of their activities, such as product offers and orders. The account structure, shopping cart and checkout have been optimized as well. Enhanced order tracking provides full transparency, which now gives customers the ability to call up the status of their orders at any time and from any device.

Nikolaus Krüger, Chief Sales Officer at the Endress+Hauser Group.

“By merging both shops and introducing several innovations on endress.com, we are making it even easier for customers to do business with us digitally."

Nikolaus Krüger, Chief Sales Officer
Endress+Hauser Group.
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